R30.00Ideaal om jou gesin se huisreëls te vestig. Geskik vir kinders tussen 3 en 12 jaar. Lees asb meer inligting onder aan bladsy:
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Ideaal om jou gesin se huisreëls te vestig. Geskik vir kinders tussen 3 en 12 jaar. Lees asb meer inligting onder aan bladsy:
This tool is ideal to formulate your family’s house rules with children between 3 and 12 years of age. Please read more details below.
Now that you know you are raising a ROSEBUSH, you might consider a few changes at home. This online course will help you get started. Read more details at the bottom…
‘n Opname van ‘n Zoom-praatjie deur Chanell Beukes oor hoe ouers met hul kind(ers) kan praat oor seks en seksualiteit. Lees asb meer onderaan.
Hettie Brittz introduces the concept of resilience training. Please read more below.
Join Lydia and Nanette in unpacking the negative effects of unhealthy discipline techniques and explore alternative techniques to develop a healthy self-esteem in your child. The concepts in this course are based on concepts from the book ‘Discipline with Compassion’ by Hettie Brittz.
Watch pre-recorded videos and download tools to help you implement the principles. Downloadable documents are in both English and Afrikaans available.
Please read more details below:
Now that you know you are raising a PALM TREE, you might consider a few changes at home. This online course will help you get started. Read more details at the bottom…
Know the difference between a meltdown and a tantrum was recorded on 15 June 2020
Join Juliette Ras as she takes us through how to recognize, prevent and help dissolve your child’s big emotions and meltdowns, and in the process, grow your child’s emotional intelligence. Juliette is a remarkable Child Counselor in Wellington, that specializes in the handling of emotional and behavioral difficulties in children through Play Therapy
Now that you know you are raising a LOLLIPOP / BOXWOOD TREE, you might consider a few changes at home. This online course will help you get started. Please read more details at the bottom…
‘n Klanksnit oor manipulasie deur Hettie Brittz. Lees gerus meer details onder:
Hettie Brittz gesels oor die vermoë om te kan onderskei tussen hardhorendheid, ongehoorsaamheid en vergeetagtigheid, sodat jy kan uitwerk of jy anders moet praat, jou kind nuwe vaardighede moet leer,…
Now that you know you are raising a PINE TREE, you might consider a few changes at home. This online course will help you get started. Read more details at the bottom…
Hierdie is’n Zoom-Praatjie wat opgeneem was op 22 Junie 2020. Kotie Pieters praat oor hoe jy as ouer jou kind kan help versterk vir die lewe en vir die grootmaak proses. Selbeeld bou kry ons nie reg deur net mooipraatjies nie, dit sal soos ‘n ballon wees wat maklik by die naaste skerp voorwerp (of tong), sal bars. Waarheidsfondasie oor God word gele en in die proses leer elke kind oor hom/haarself. Kotie Pieters woon in die Koue Bokkeveld, Weskaap en is getroud met Nantes. Sy doen lewensvaardigheidsopleiding in onderwerpe soos persoonlike groei en selfbeeld, kommunikasie en ontwikkeling.
An online course to strengthen the parent-child relationship by curbing enemy number one: Manipulation, by Hettie Brittz. Please read more below:
Die Sori Sakkie is ‘n dissipline hulpmiddel vir ouers. Kyk na die video met instruksies en maak jou eie Sori Sakkie met die templaat. Lees asb meer detail onder.
Learn to use incentive charts effectively and download the Under the Sea theme to print at home. English and Afrikaans. Please read more details below.