Tall Trees Kids Profile and Consultation


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Complete your child’s Tall Trees Kids profile and receive the support of a trained facilitator, helping you interpret the results correctly. 

Please scroll down to read the description at the bottom of the page before booking a slot in the calendar below.

Please use Chrome as your internet browser to allow the calendar to function. You have to be logged in to make bookings.

Sold By: Evergreen Parenting | EverGrowth Online


The Tall Trees Kids Profiles, co-developed by Hettie Brittz, are the most accurate means to determine a child’s unique Tree type combination. 

Evergreen believes that temperament plays a role in the parenting adventure and that parents who understand their child’s God-given design can love them better.

Complete a Tall Trees Kids Profile and speak to a trained Facilitator to help you interpret the results.

The KIDS PROFILE are suitable for children between the ages of 3 and 11 years. The profile test is completed by the child and up to three adults whose scores are combined to determine the tree-type result. It is video-based and child-friendly. A report is generated with very helpful insights into your child’s unique temperament combination. This will be discussed during your Zoom Consultation with either Lydia or Nanette. Please note: The test and report is only available in English, but during the Zoom Consultation we can communicate in Afrikaans or English.

The report contains tips about your child according to their unique temperament: 

  • Tips to develop your child’s potential
  • Tips to help your child develop leadership traits
  • Tips to make sure your child feels accepted and celebrated
  • Tips to protect your child from unnecessary stress
  • Tips to adapt how you listen and speak to your child
  • Tips to adapt what you expect from your child in a way that suits your child’s design

*If you visited our website in search of guidance and solutions with regards to parenting, please note: The Tall Trees Kids profile will contain valuable information to gain better understanding about your child’s nature. However, the Evergreen Parenting content will guide you to understand temperament in general as well as our six other principles to improve your parenting skills on a practical level.

Ready to commit?

  1. Be sure to supply the child’s information: his/her name, age, etc. when completing the form (not the parent’s details, please.)
  2. Click here to open a new window and schedule the APPOINTMENT in my Google Calendar.  Ensure that you allow yourself enough time to complete the profile test in time for the Consultation session, and for the Facilitator to prepare. You will receive an email confirming the appointment immediately.
  3. Return to this page to click on ADD TO CART and then VIEW CART to complete the payment at checkout.
  4. Be on the lookout for an email with the link to complete the profile test questionnaire on the Tall Trees website. Please note that it might take up to 24 hours before you / your parent receives this email.

Greetings from your partners in growth.

Lydia & Nanette




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