Emotion Cards are used to develop emotional intelligence in children. There are 4 sets of cards – one for each tree type. Every tree type has 12 cards, each with a different facial expression to teach children emotional words, for example: sad, frustrated, angry and jealous. This is the ELECTRONIC VERSION. When you have paid…
Emosiekaarte is ‘n produk om kinders se emosionele intelligensie te ontwikkel. Daar is 4 stelle van kaartjies – een vir elke boomsoort. Elke boomsoort het 12 kaartjies met boompies wat elkeen ‘n ander gesigsuitdrukkings wys, bv: harsteer, frustreerd, tevrede en bang. Jy kan jou kind se emosionele woordeskat so uitbrei deurdat hul jou kan wys…
Emotion Cards are used to develop emotional intelligence in children. There are 12 cards, each a Lollipop tree with a different facial expression to teach children emotional words, for example: sad, frustrated, angry and jealous. This is the ELECTRONIC VERSION. When you have paid for this file, it will become available as a product to…
Emosiekaarte is ‘n produk om kinders se emosionele intelligensie te ontwikkel. Daar is 12 kaartjies – almal roosboompies, maar elkeen met ‘n ander gesigsuitdrukking, bv: harsteer, frustreerd, tevrede en bang. Jy kan jou kind se emosionele woordeskat so uitbrei deurdat hul jou kan wys hoe hulle voel. Soos hul ouer word kan hul dan later…
Emotion Cards are used to develop emotional intelligence in children. There are 12 cards, each a Rose tree with a different facial expression to teach children emotional words, for example: sad, frustrated, angry and jealous. This is the ELECTRONIC VERSION. When you have paid for this file, it will become available as a product to…
Emosiekaarte is ‘n produk om kinders se emosionele intelligensie te ontwikkel. Daar is 12 kaartjies – almal palmboompies, maar elkeen met ‘n ander gesigsuitdrukking, bv: harsteer, frustreerd, tevrede en bang. Jy kan jou kind se emosionele woordeskat so uitbrei deurdat hul jou kan wys hoe hulle voel. Soos hul ouer word kan hul dan later…
Emosiekaarte is ‘n produk om kinders se emosionele intelligensie te ontwikkel. Daar is 12 kaartjies – almal sierboompies, maar elkeen met ‘n ander gesigsuitdrukking, bv: harsteer, frustreerd, tevrede en bang. Jy kan jou kind se emosionele woordeskat so uitbrei deurdat hul jou kan wys hoe hulle voel. Soos hul ouer word kan hul dan later…
Emotion Cards are used to develop emotional intelligence in children. There are 12 cards, each a Palm tree with a different facial expression to teach children emotional words, for example: sad, frustrated, angry and jealous. This is the ELECTRONIC VERSION. When you have paid for this file, it will become available as a product to…
Emosiekaarte is ‘n produk om kinders se emosionele intelligensie te ontwikkel. Daar is 12 kaartjies – almal denneboompies, maar elkeen met ‘n ander gesigsuitdrukking, bv: harsteer, frustreerd, tevrede en bang. Jy kan jou kind se emosionele woordeskat so uitbrei deurdat hul jou kan wys hoe hulle voel. Soos hul ouer word kan hul dan later…
Emotion Cards are used to develop emotional intelligence in children. There are 12 cards, each a Pine tree with a different facial expression to teach children emotional words, for example: sad, frustrated, angry and jealous. This is the ELECTRONIC VERSION. When you have paid for this file, it will become available as a product to…