Heidi Barnard

I am a Departmental Head at a primary school, but also, because I have a heart for people, I am a registered counsellor and accredited Life Coach. I love helping parents to be the best they can be, because I know the difficulties parenthood can bring by raising my own two foster daughters.

Karen Swanepoel

I have practised as a registered dietitian since 2012, and became a full time mom after the birth of my twins, a pigeon pair, in 2018. I had the privilege of publishing my life story and testimony of grace and hope in 2020, and completed an Advanced certificate in Pastoral Narrative therapy in 2023. Although…

Chanell Beukes

Dit is ‘n voorreg om ‘n ma te wees en toegerus te wees as ‘n fasiliteerder met die waardevolle Immergroen Ouerskap-beginsels. Baie jare gelede het ek besluit ek wil ‘n goeie verhouding met my kinders hê, en die kennis wat deur Immergroen Ouerskap gedeel word, het my soveel praktiese gereedskap gegee om dit ‘n werklikheid…

René Best

Background in Industrial Psychology/Training/Career Consulting. Currently busy with Pastoral Trauma Counselling course. Director of NPO (b.r.e.a.d.) Breede River Emotional Awareness Development  – doing emotional upliftment work with farmworkers & their families.

Mimette van Niekerk

Ek is Mimette van Niekerk. Ek is ‘n geakkrediteerde Immergroen en TTLP (Tall Trees Leadership Profile) fasiliteerder. Ek is sedert 2008 betrokke by Immergroen Ouerskap en het al verskeie kursusse, werkswinkels en praatjies aangebied. Ek het twee volwasse kinders en een laerskoolkind by wie ek nog elke dag baie leer oor hoe om my ouerskapstyl…

Inesa van Rooyen

I am a Life Coach and a Ministry Assistant at Life Church in Vredendal, South Africa. I am an accredited Bright Star Lifestyle facilitator (2022), Tall Trees facilitator (2018) and Evergreen Parenting consultant (2013). My passion is to promote creative opportunities for people to discover their identity, so they can reach their God-given potential. I…

Irene Smit

Evergreen Parenting Coach from 2009. I help parents to understand * their and their children’s uniqueness * their parenting styles * healthy authority * compassionate discipline