The next step: Complete the online questionnaire
Please be on the look-out for an email from the Tall Trees Website. Please note: It might take up to 8 working hours.
This email will contain your unique link to complete the profile questionnaire on the Tall Trees website. It only takes about 15 minutes to complete the test.
A few tips:
- We recommend to rather complete the questionnaire on a computer screen (a tablet or phone screen might be too small.)
- Use CHROME as your internet browser – the website is not fully compatible with other browsers like Safari, Firefox, etc.
- Ensure that you are relaxed when completing the questionnaire – not rushed, hungry, irritated, tired, in pain or pre-occupied.
- REMEMBER: There are no right or wrong answers – the idea is to determine your unique way of thinking, feeling and doing.
Once we have received confirmation that you completed the questionnaire we will send you the Zoom Meeting ID for our one-on-one Consultation session.
If you get stuck at any point – please do not hesitate to contact via WhatsApp:
Lydia @ 082 445 9096