Tall Trees Marriage Workshop


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Tall Trees Marriage workshop for couples. Go from fire and friction to flow and fun!

Please scroll down to read the description at the bottom of the page before booking a slot in the calendar below.

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Sold By: Evergreen Parenting | EverGrowth Online


The Tall Trees Marriage workshop – Grow your marriage

Insight gleaned from a Tall Trees Profile helps engaged and married couples to develop a stronger and lasting bond. Each partner can use the other’s report as a “love manual” as it supplies practical ways of caring for one another.

Judgment and misunderstanding turn into respect and appreciation. Partners become one another’s biggest supporters on the road to personal and interpersonal growth.

Far from boxing people in or labelling them in a limiting or judgmental fashion, Tall Trees describes, explores and celebrates individuality.

The six detailed areas of personal dynamics in each person’s profile (Forces within, Fields of Greatness, Fertilizer, Frostbite, Forest Fires and Fast Forward) can be explored during the marriage workshop in order to refine how we divide responsibilities, solve conflict, eliminate frustrations, make our house a home and grow together.

We are not different on purpose, but with a purpose.

How does it work?

  • Each person will receive an email to complete their online Tall Trees Profile Questionnaire beforehand.
  • The marriage workshop will be conducted via Zoom. You will receive the Zoom Meeting ID via email. You are welcome to pick a date and time that suits all parties in the calendar above. The workshop can also be done over more than one session, in which case the follow-up dates will be booked at a later stage. However, you have to book the first date to start the process.

Let’s grow together! See you in the Zoom Room.