Manipulation – The enemy of Healthy Authority


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An online course to strengthen the parent-child relationship by curbing enemy number one: Manipulation, by Hettie Brittz. Please read more below:

Sold By: Hettie Brittz


Nothing can ruin a relationship like manipulation!

Manipulation destroys trust and respect in any relationship. Most definitely in the parent-child relationship, but also in marriage, friendships and even professional work-relationships. You need to make sure that you home is not a place where manipulators are bred – for your own sake, but also for your child’s sake and all his/her future relationships. (Sorry for the dramatics, but this is a serious topic!)

Do you feel like a puppet?

Children who try to manipulate us mislead us into making us change our mind so that they can get their own way; they distort the truth to suit themselves; they deceive us by divulging only acceptable information and keeping quiet about the rest; they influence others to play along in their self-serving game; and they control us by begging, blackmailing or charming us with those dimples and eyelashes.

Parents who change their “no” into a “yes” the minute their children erupt like Mount Vesuvius or deflate like a pricked balloon, teach their children that if they can project enough emotion, they can achieve anything. I’m sure your will agree that this is not healthy?

In this online course, Hettie Brittz gives advice on curbing manipulation and shares practical ideas to restore healthy habits for you and your child. 

The content:

  • What is manipulation?
  • What does manipulation look like?
  • Why do children manipulate?
  • Why should I stop manipulation in my home?
  • How do we cut the strings?
  • Let’s get practical.

The format: 

  • The online course consist of videos, questions to dig deeper, Bible studies, worksheets and printable tools to get practical.

How does it work?

  • Add this product to your cart, complete the checkout process.
  • Find the online course under My PROFILE > MY COURSES immediately after payment was processed.
  • You will have access to the content forever and can watch the videos as many times as you need.
  • You will also be able to re-print the worksheets if your children relapse in a year’s time.

Start your family’s growth process today!

PLEASE NOTE: The content of this online course was previously part of the Say Yes to Healthy Authority DVD and online course. 

Daar is ‘n meer bekostigbare alternatiewe produk wat ook oor manipulasie handel. Dit is egter net in Afrikaans beskikbaar: Luisterhulpbron: Manipulasie – die vyand van gesag.


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