Kleuter dissipline: Wat sê die Bybel oor pakslae?

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ZAR 60.00
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Christene sit met ‘n dilemma: Die regering dreig om pakslae, selfs in die ouerhuis, onwettig te maak. Wat sê die Bybel daaroor?

PLEASE NOTE: This product has been discontinued.

In consequence of the South Gauteng High Court judgement in October 2017 corporal punishment is outlawed in South Africa. However, on 29 November 2018, the Constitutional Court heard the case to defend the rights of parents to raise their children in accordance with their moral or religious convictions. Judgment has been reserved and may take a few months to come out. For more information on the latest developments on this judgement, please visit the website of ForSA.

EverGrowth Online (Pty) Ltd, Hettie Brittz, manufacturers, distributors and sellers of this product do not recommend that parents act in contravention of any law.

Kleuter dissipline: Wat sê die Bybel oor pakslae?

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