Marilize Knoetze

Hallo, I’m Marilize. Born & bred in South Africa, living in Portugal since 2019. I’m a wife, mom of boys, sister, daughter, friend. I am a qualified Occupational Therapist, practised in SA and the U.K., and currently focused on empowering parents to live and love and train more like God. I believe parenting is a…

Theresa Appel

Ek is passievol oor die vorming en die geloofsvorming van kinders en ouers/volwassenes. Na ongeveer 30 jaar as Jeugwerker in verskillende gemeentes, skuif ek nou my fokus na Ouerskap en Ouerleiding en die bediening van vroue. Hier in Rawsonville waar ek tans woon was ek ook betrokke in die gemeenskap met kinders en gesinne uit…

Lize Minnaar

I am Lize, a primary school teacher, wife, mother and grandmother. As a teacher I see the parent’s need for the right tools in parenting. The Parenting Garden is your answer to cultivate stronger relationships and lifelong connections with your children. The greatest investment of your life. I love helping families grow and thrive, to…

Esté Pelser

My name is Esté Pelser. I am the wife of a wonderful husband and mom to 3 teenage boys. I am a qualified occupational hand therapist which I am practicing part-time at the moment. I have always been passionate about families and raising kids with their unique makeup in mind.

Madeleine Coetzee

I’m a mother of two going on three children. My daughters are 5 and 2 years old. I was challenged by their different personalities and through this journey I learned to love and cherish their differences. It shaped my thinking and enriched me in so many ways and I have a desire to share this…

Beth Pohl

I’m a stay at home, homeschool mom of three. I’ve always been passionate about biblical parenting and shaping our children’s hearts for Christ. I offer the Parenting Garden course virtually – so I’m able to serve parents from any destination.

Monica Boshoff

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the daily challenges of parenting, unsure of how to balance discipline and connection? I am Monica Boshoff, and as a mom of two energetic young boys, who bring both joy and challenges to my life, I understand this struggle. With years of experience as a teacher, I have seen…

Hannelet Labuschagne

I’m Hannelet Labuschagne, a passionate teacher, facilitator at Evergreen Parenting, and mother of two precious children. Following the birth of my eldest, I resigned from my high school teaching position in 2018 and started a company that offers extra classes, to focus on spending quality time with my family. As a young mother, I prayed…