Are you the manipulator? Hi You established that your child manipulates you. Now the big questions remains: Do you manipulate your child? Answer these questions truthfully: I turn around and walk away when my child and I disagree. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I bribe my child to with money, gifts and promises. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I warn my child by displaying a wooden spoon or other discipline tool. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I treat a disobedient child with coldness and aloofness. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I start shouting when my child does not listen. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I humiliate my child when he or she is naughty. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I only get reaction from my child with punishment and reward. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I am making threats that I know I will not carry out. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I regularly remind my kids of everything I do for them. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I also moan until they give in. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I use God to scare my child ("Jesus is going to punish you!") No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I only show love when my child behaves him- or herself. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always I lie about my mistakes to keep my child's respect. No, never Sometimes Often Yes, almost always Let's find out!