Thank you for your choice to enroll for the workshop on Temperament – the Trees in our Garden.
Will all young trees thrive equally with the same amount of water, plant food, light and under the same weather conditions? The experienced gardeners among us will quickly let us know that this is not the case. Some need much care, watering and shade; others thrive in extreme conditions with very little water. The same with our children.
Temperament determines the child’s probability to be people or task orientated, to be an extrovert or an introvert, a pessimist or an optimist, a talker or a more thoughtful person, a participant or a spectator, to name but a few.
It is our responsibility as parents to discover our child’s inborn qualities; to nurture and mould them. It makes parenting so much easier and more rewarding.
What you need to do:
You will be attending a workshop that will be presented by an accredited Evergreen Parenting Facilitator. Facilitators are licensed to present this workshop with the use of the official workbook. Please obtain your personal copy by following these 3 steps:
We recommend to do this on your LAPTOP as it might be difficult to print files from your phone.
- Log in on our website using your email address and password. (You can skip this step if you are already on your laptop and have access to a printer).
- Navigate to MY ACCOUNT and click on MY COURSES.
- Click on ‘Temperament Workshop’ to access the content associated with your membership.
Please note that your access to this content will expire. Download as soon as possible.