01. News

Training 2024 – A new generation of Evergreen Parenting Facilitators & Coaches

New Facilitators will be trained to present ‘The Parenting Garden’ course. Existing Facilitators are invited to join this training group to include this new format in their existing arsenal of services. Click here to find out more:

Level 2 Training, as an Evergreen Coach, is planned for 2025.

News Archive

Changes to the company: Evergreen Parenting (Pty) Ltd.

January 2021

A lot changed at Evergreen at the beginning of 2021.  This page is a summary. It is crucial that every Facilitator take note, please.

  1. The decision was made that the company: Evergreen Parenting (Pty) Ltd. will dissolve at the end of January 2021. The reason in a nutshell: the main function of the company became absolute. These functions were (i) to train new Facilitators, but with 300+ accredited facilitators we have reached our limit – no training is necessary anymore. And, (ii) to distribute parcels ordered by facilitators and the public, but as the sales of physical products were halted during the 2020 National Lockdown in SA and sales never returned to normal the decision was made to put an end to package distribution. There are alternative means to serve the parents of South Africa and abroad with the Evergreen Parenting resources.
  2. The decision above lead to two Facilitators, with extensive experience as both presenters and content development, offering to keep the website up and running in order to serve the public with digital content in the form of videos, audio clips and downloadable files. On 31 January 2021 the website (www.evergreenparenting.co.za) was placed under the management of EverGrowth Online (Pty) Ltd – owned by Nanette Oosthuizen and Lydia Kies. EverGrowth Online (Pty) Ltd is licensed by Hettie Brittz to re-sell her intellectual property in the form of digital content to the public. Royalties are paid monthly. 
  3. Individuals were trained by the company Evergreen Parenting (Pty) Ltd. to present the Evergreen Parenting course to parents. The contract between an accredited Evergreen Parenting Facilitator and the company dissolved as the company does not exist anymore. Therefor the usage rights of the Evergreen resources revert back to the original authors: Hettie Brittz (and others.) The international law on the use of intellectual property and copyright also still applies as the content of the Evergreen courses, the workbooks and all recordings; and all books, dvd’s, cd’s and articles authored and/or recorded by Hettie Brittz are the intellectual property of Hettie Brittz. 
  4. Accredited Evergreen Parenting Facilitators retain permission to present the Evergreen Parenting course as a courtesy after the company closure, using the official workbooks and/or course materialnow supplied by a new company: EverGrowth Online (Pty) Ltd. EverGrowth Online (Pty) Ltd. is licensed to distribute workbooks to accredited Evergreen Parenting Facilitators and pays a royalty fee to Hettie Brittz on the sale of every workbook.
  5. EverGrowth Online (Pty) Ltd. does not represent accredited Facilitators, nor does EverGrowth have any commitment towards a facilitator, other than fulfilling an order placed by a Facilitator on the website under the Facilitator Dashboard. The official workbooks are the only physical products that EverGrowth distributes as this type of product creates logistical challenges like stock management, cash flow management, courier services, packaging of parcels and transportation, it remains at the discretion of Nanette Oosthuizen and Lydia Kies to keep supplying this product.
  6. Accredited Facilitators have usage right of the following courses/workshop material for parents:
    • The Evergreen Parenting course (the traditional seven week course) workbooks – Afrikaans and English. Softcover books. Available on this website.
    • The Core Values of Evergreen Parenting workshop workbooks: Temperament – the trees in our garden; Healthy Authority and Compassionate Discipline – English only. Pdf files. Available on this website.
  7. Facilitators that received additional training and accreditation as Consultants have usage rights of the following course material for educators:
    • The Schools with Character course workbooks – Afrikaans and English. Softcover books. Available from Ingrid Harper while stock lasts. (Planned to be replaced with video-based content.)
    • The Pre-school course for the educator – Afrikaans and English. Softcover books. Available from Ingrid Harper while stock lasts. (Planned to be replaced with video-based content.)
  8. Facilitators need special permission from Hettie Brittz for the use of her intellectual property in any of the following scenarios: (1) Speaking publicly on Evergreen topics to an audience – on stage, on radio, online, in churches, etc. (2) Using Evergreen content outside of the parenting environment such as using the tree types, 5 R’s or 5 Links for companies or leadership training, etc. Contact her via email: hettie@hettiebrittz.com