Our sister company, First Steps is a non-profit company that developed a GRASSROOT course for il-literate parents, based on the work of Hettie Brittz.
This course is presented by accredited First Step Facilitators to groups of parents, usually in rural settings. It is a practical, interactive course to address the needs of multi-cultural communities irrespective of language or literacy levels. Parents are empowered to fulfill their God-given role as parents through relevant yet practical advice. Households thrive and communities become resilient as a result of the Evergreen principles.
Please visit the website for more info: https://firststeps.org.za/
You are welcome to contact Inesa or Irene if you know of a community in need or are interested in being trained as a First Steps facilitator:
- Irene (General Training) – 082 401 4560
- Inesa (Cape Training) – 084 613 6238