Are you considering booking a Core Value workshop session?YOU MIGHT WANT TO KNOW WHAT CONTENT ARE COVERED IN EACH WORKSHOP?(Click arrow to open each heading)“Temperament – The Trees in your Garden”Theme 1: What is temperament? Theme 2: Discover your own Tree type (with the Tree Type indicator). Theme 3: Understand adult tree types Theme 4: Children’s Tree types Theme 5: Variations and Combinations of Tree types Theme 6: Recognize One Another “Healthy Authority”Theme 1: A Definition of Healthy Authority Theme 2: Perspective on Healthy Authority Theme 3: Building Blocks of Healthy Authority Theme 4: Seasons of Growth (Psychosocial, Moral and Spiritual Development) Theme 5: The Four Parenting Styles Theme 6: Seasons of Parenting “Compassionate Discipline”Theme 1: Definition of Discipline with Compassion Theme 2: 5 Rules for Pruning Theme 3: The 8 Types of Misbehaviour Theme 4: Discipline in a Nutshell – Strategies to correct behaviour Theme 5: How do we punish in love? Theme 6: Discipline by Age and Temperament